____________________________________________________What is VirtuaMaker 🦜™?–A Virtual Product maker. VirtuaMaker is a Business Solutions, Computer Security Company & Finance Firm. Through virtual presence we offer our "VirtuaProducts" primarily through the Internet, via our Facebook Store, across these four lines of business:⬤ VirtuaMaker Consulting 👨💼™⬤ VirtuaMaker Investments 🐠™⬤ VirtuaMaker Cybersecurity 🦾™⬤ VirtuaMaker Computers 💻™As you can see, VirtuaMaker is a hybrid, professionally specialized to offer a growing array of consultation products. The business solutions VirtuaProducts offer range from addressing the needs of individuals all the way up to the enterprise level. VirtuaMaker is prepared, for example, to either lead a solitary individual's small business project for them, or take orders from a Project Manager at a Fortune 100, collaborating with thousands. Should business request fall outside purview or exceed VirtuaMaker's capability, we can outsource work to outside consultants & agencies through our ample Referral Service 🤹🏾♀️™.