We offer the most comprehensive coverage of equipment manufacturers and products in the industry today. Trust BTS to satisfy your calibration, preventative maintenance and equipment repair needs. Our accredited metrology laboratory and experienced field service engineers have helped thousands of customers meet ISO, FDA, GLPs/CGMPs and other quality standards.Certificate of Accreditation•ISO 17025:2005Product Manufacturer's We Calibrate and ServiceAUTOCLAVE• Amsco• Barnstead• Beckman• Hirayama• Market Forge• Napco• Tuttnauer• VWR• YamatoBALANCES (Micro, Standard & Scales)• Denver• Mettler• Ohaus• SartoriusCENTRIFUGES (General Purpose, Refrigerated & Ultra)• Beckman• Eppendorf• GFMD• IEC• Jouan• Sorvall• Thermo• Heraeus• Labnet• StatSpinFREEZERS (Blood Blank, Cascade & Ultra Low)• Forma• Jewett• Helmer• Nuaire• Revco• So-Low• SanyoINCUBATORS (General Purpose, CO2 & Shaking)• Helmer• Nuaire• Sanyo• Shel Lab / Sheldon• Advanced Instruments• Beckman• Milton Roy• Thermo• Heraeus• Bellco• ColemanOVENS• Blue M• Precision• Shel Lab / Sheldon• ThermoPLATE READER• Bio-Rad• BioTek• Molecular Devices• Tecan• WallacREFRIGERATORS• Kenmore• Northland• Revco• Jewett• Helmer• So-Low• Thermo• TrueROTATORS, SHAKERS & MIXERS• Barnstead Thermolyne• New Brunswick• Shel Lab / SheldonSPECTROPHOTOMETERS• Amersham• Beckman• Bio-Rad• Cary• Eppendorf• Genesys• Hewlett Packard• Hitachi• Perkin Elmer• Shimadzu• Spectronic• VarianTHERMAL CYCLERS• Applied Bio System• Bio-Rad• Eppendorf• MJ Research• Perkin Elmer• Techne