WHAT WE DOTCI provides actionable, executive level strategies. Our innovative capabilities facilitate corporate growth, targeted business development and funding opportunities. For more than 30 years, TCI has driven high-velocity change, market disruption and message clarity.INDUSTRIES SERVED• Aerospace, Aviation• Defense, Security, Cyber• Business Intelligence: Big Data, IOT, IIOT, Analytics• Autonomous: Robotics, AI, Unmanned, Platform• Equity Research: M&A, Funding, Start-Up, Restructuring• Global Industrial and Emerging Markets• Technology: Business Critical, Advanced, DisruptiveWHY TCIExperience - Our team averages 20+ years in the industry. Each team memberhas C-level experience.Expertise - We have industry-leading expertise in corporate growth, innovation and market disruption.Exceeding Expectations - Our team strives to exceed customer requirements and deliver insight through leading analysis and actionable strategies. We have extensive skill supporting start-up to Fortune 500 clients.Excellence - Results-driven research – based on independent, unbiased, and realistic intelligence – ensures excellence in high velocity programs, innovation and vision.Extraordinary Results - Proven processes lead to customer delight and long-term client relationships, driving profit and growth. We develop actionable strategies based on achievable goals.