Check Fund Manager helps institutional investors avoid headline and capital risk by investigating funds and managers to identify red flags that show a risk correlation. We have a strong track record of providing research to clients that helps them avoid allocating millions of dollars into alternative investments that ultimately become compromised.Check Fund Manager has conducted thousands of international investigations in the Alternative Investment industry, and is a premier provider of this information for Fund of Funds, University Endowments, the Capital Markets, Foundations, Pensions. Family Offices and other Institutional Investors.Our services include in-depth new research, Quick Access reports from our extensive database, and Ongoing Manager Monitoring. Our free WatchList™ service notifies you of new detrimental findings on your manager as a result of a subsequent investigation.We operate a world-wide network of on-site investigators to support your global due diligence initiatives.Check Fund Manager's experienced investigators utilize our proprietary sources to help you screen out individuals or companies with backgrounds that indicate potential exposure to an undesirable headline risk, presenting an unnecessary capital risk for you or your investors.