Central Presbyterian Church in downtown Denver, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Colorado, is a witness to God's love and grace revealing itself in creation through Jesus Christ. Central is an urban church that thrives on the diversity of people and perspectives in Denver. We hold faith and reason in creative tension, yielding fresh understandings of fidelity to God. We strive to nurture community—both among our members and beyond our walls—giving meaning to the common good. Central's historic building is a sacred space, linking the past with the future. Central exists to provide shelter from the storm, to make a difference in the lives of the community, to cultivate spiritual curiosity for good. Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralDenver/, Twitter: https://twitter.com/centralpresden, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/centralpresden/, YouTube: http://bit.ly/1TAfIiy.