OPHTHALMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE DIATHLASISDiathlasis ophthalmological institute operates since 2003 in Thessaloniki. It is located in a comfortable and luxurious place, and provides high quality medical services.It was founded with the aim to provide quality and integrated services, that covers any ophthalmological requirements, and provides specialized services to the patient in the entire range of eye diseases.The medical team has all the necessary experience and education, and is continuously trained on new developments in the area of eye treatment. The complete technological infrastructure and equipment with the latest generation diagnostic equipment, to ensure better treatment of eye diseases.Diathlasis is specially designed to meet all requirements in order to achieve functional safety, and the experienced staff of the unit treats the patient at all stages of the process.For "diathlasis" each patient is treated as a unique case, and its goal is to provide complete satisfaction. The long-standing practice of ophthalmology by its doctors in leading hospitals, both in Greece and abroad, combined with the expertise and pioneering new methods of treating eye diseases, has placed "diathlasis" between the top institutes in Greece and the Balkans.SERVICESThe Ophthalmological Institute ‘Diathlasis' has been offering during the past decade diagnostic and eye microsurgical procedures, using the latest technological advancements.The offered services include the following:Visual acuity checkPreoperative checkRefraction (prescription glasses for distant and near vision)Tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure)FundusFluorescein angiogrpahyOptic nerve OCTMacular OCTHRTFundographyVisual fieldsEndothelioscopyContast sensitivityCorneal pachymetryCorneal/anterior segment tomographyEye wavefront analysisCorneal topographyEye wavefront analysisMacular/retinal tomographyBiometryA-ultrasonographyB-ultrasonographyChildren examination