http://www.aftermathinteractive.comWe're a full service creative agency. We take a user-centered design approach, which means you'll make more money from your design than if you go to an agency that adopts a more traditional approach.We are a team of specialists: designers, developers, thinkers, and some of us are even parents (yes, this is a specialty). Aftermath Interactive formed in 2009, bringing a reputation for user-centered design, accessibility and web standards. We quickly found ourselves a home in Boulder, and Lafayette, Colorado.It's funny, isn't it. That as a company the thing that makes us so big is the fact that we're so tiny. This is where we stand out in the crowd. We have small company prices combined with the biggest ideas you'll come across, to rival even some of the largest studios. There is an enormous level of detail, planning, head scratching and caffeine consumption that goes into every one of our projects. And we would never let a piece of work that we felt to be anything but of the highest quality leave the studio and end up on your desk/inbox.