Sidelobe Inc. provides leading edge communication services to remote areas where high speed internet and voice communications would be nearly impossible. Our communication service consists of high speed data internet access, VoIP voice services, and wellsite phones throughout the location over a PBX intercom system. Using our superior PBX wireless network, phones can be installed in multiple offices including logging trailers and living quarters on location, as well as hazardous areas. We are a reseller for a major satellite data whole seller and as such we will provide you with the best prices for satellite communication. Whether you need short term or long term service, high speed or high amounts of data transferred Sidelobe has a cost effective solution for you!Need Internet for your home, office or small business home office? Got you covered. Do you need back up internet for when the main line is down or the power is out? We can also help you! With low cost pay as you need it options this is a cost effective solution.Sidelobe Inc. also provides voice and data communication as well as data acquisition for well testing, fracking, seismic operations, production well sites, production facilities and field offices. We have a solution for monitoring flow, pressure, temperature, gas and virtually and anything else that can be measured. Your data can be stored and displayed locally or sent to you securely through the internet anywhere in the world.Call or email Sidelobe Inc. Give us a shot because we offer quality at a fair price!