Even with consistent changes in demographics within sources of data and business operations, no solution exists in the market that can establish integration swiftly. In order to alleviate their problems, financial institutions are spending billions of dollars in big data software and professional services, which also consist of integrating different data sources into their solutions and in-house systems. Bitor Group provides simple and easy solution for this painful issues faced by financial institutions, solution and SI companies around the globe. Since the establishment of the company in 2014, Bitor has seen exponential growth in sales by providing VIA (Various Integrator Accelerator) Suite for financial institutions, data contributors, and solution and SI companies. VIA is a capital market business intelligence solution which provides a bridge between the data source and the data consumers. Its main core technology comes from utilizing common data model, which enables VIA to make connection between two sources 3 times faster than the normal market practice. Also, its suite provides smart monitoring solution with machine learning capabilities that captures anomalies within the data and connectivity. With the technology behind, we have been recognized by global companies namely Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, ICAP, SGX, Moody's Analytics, Wolters Kluwer, Misys and Morning Star. Our business model is based on partnership and our vision is to break traditional market practice, which will enable both the clients and data sources to expand their business further and faster.