eCommerce Marketplaces & Business Strategy, Special Projects & New Business Integration Manager at The Pond Guy, Inc. - Armada, MI, US is the nation's largest mail-order pond, lake, water garden and water feature supply company. Based in Armada, Michigan, The Pond Guy believes in a philosophy of simple solutions with a proactive approach to keep ponds clean and clear year after year. We know ponds. We create user-friendly products and solutions. We have the answers because we are the pond experts. We impart that pond knowledge to pond owners in a way that's easy to understand. We simplify the important task of taking care of ponds, making it easier and lending a helping hand when needed. Because what matters most to us is helping the world enjoy ponds. Our extensive range of products and brands for ponds, lakes, water gardens and water features are sold via catalogs, a retail store, and multiple eCommerce websites. We are proud to be an INC 5000 company.