Founded in 2000, Take Pride Learning® is an educational, entrepreneurial, and eco-conscious company that creates innovative educational curricula and literacy products for children. Based on the company motto of "dream it, believe it, achieve it," we develop meaningful, relevant and earth-friendly learning experiences for the 21st century. Take Pride Learning® is a mission that puts the "pride" back in learning by changing the world through education.\\We're committed to updating an antiquated and ineffective reading curriculum for today's youth. We provide all children with the opportunity to reach their potential, while eradicating poverty through education, protecting our planet, and changing the way young people view the environment. All of our products are designed with purpose, utilizing technology to maximize learning. We approach education with an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make a difference.\\Take Pride Learning® Services:\- Speaking Engagements\- Live Workshops\- Coaching\- Professional Development\- School/Technology Auditing\- iKnow™ Series