Champion Services is a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Medicaid Waiver program which provides comprehensive supports and services to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). This includes thoroughly-trained direct care staff, residential and habitation supports, companion care, specialized therapies, counseling of various types, adaptive aids, and home modifications. Through these services, we strive to create active meaningful lives for our clients who participate in a myriad of community activities including spiritual, recreational, leisure, day programming, school, and work. Services are provided in a team approach with a friendly demeanor in an upbeat atmosphere. Champion Services values all of its team members giving them opportunities for professional growth. We employ administrative and operational professionals, Registered Nurses, case managers, client support specialists, people managers, and care providers of all backgrounds. We are passionate about helping others and making a difference in individuals' lives. Champion Services has been in business over 10 years and maintains an excellent relationship within the regional disability community and our overseers in Austin. We will be serving our community for decades to come. Our business goal is to develop a scalable and cost effective "Platinum Standard of Supports and Services Model" (PS3M) for every individual with IDD to be implemented on a national level.