Accounting Manager at Adhesive Products, Inc.| Atwood Adhesives Inc. | Crafter's Pick - Albany, California, United States
Technical Sales Representative for Adhesive Products, Inc.
Adhesive Products Inc. (API), Atwood Adhesives Inc. (AAI), Adhesive Products Inc.- Los Angeles (API-LA), and Crafter's Pick Adhesives Adhesives Products, Inc was established in 1878 and has been the forefront on setting industry standards, decade after decade. Adhesive Products, Inc rigorously focuses on quality, service, and production development.Our production line includes of many types of glues, adhesives, and coatings for packaging, product assembly, graphic arts, theatrical, woodworking, paper converting, and many other applications for the business and consumer markets. We also manufacture and sell packaging tapes, custom printing tapes and adhesive coated labels and tags for a myriad of applications. Adhesives Products, Inc excels in working with our customers to first determine their requirements and then to custom design a solution to maximize their benefits. Custom formulating and design for each application for large or small volume applications is our strength. Contact us today for all of your adhesive, label, and tape needs or check out our websites: | |