At California Career Services, we provide information and support for action on career-related issues. To support our clients, we employ full-time staff that conducts local labor market research that is available to you when you meet with a counselor. Our database includes research on hundreds of jobs, including salary data, employment outlook, and local training and educational options. In addition, clients can access California Career Services' Linked-in and Facebook networks, primarily to connect with individuals in their fields of interest in order to conduct informational interviews. Occasionally these connections result in job placement. With regard to job search, we write resumes with clients, prepare clients for job interviews and make referrals to appropriate placement agencies. Our resources and connections in the community enable us to counsel clients on creative job search strategies, local resources, and marketing tools. Our Track Record California Career Services has provided career-related services for over 20 years, helping thousands of clients with career development. Our work has included assisting individuals, companies, nonprofit organizations, and federally funded programs and projects as well as training career guidance personnel in school districts throughout California and internationally. We have received numerous honors and awards from various organizations over the years, including the California Career Development Association, the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, the Career and Vocational Division of the California State Department of Education, and the Los Angeles County Commission on the Status of Women.