We are Registered Acupuncturists who also practice shiatsu therapy in the heart of Downtown Toronto. We offer clinical Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments in a comfortable Yonge and College St. location. All of our services are covered under insurance plans covering acupuncture. In addition to clinical acupuncture we also offer- shiatsu therapy, cupping therapy, moxibustion, gua-sha (scraping) all of which are included at no extra cost. Our other specialty services are cosmetic acupuncture and hot ginger-lemon grass towel compresses. We have been providing professional safe and licensed acupuncture since 2003. We believe in delivering just the right amount of pressure with shiatsu massage and believe that acupuncture should be comfortable in order to work. Acupuncture is one of the fastest growing forms of healthcare in Canada. It is the perfect accompaniment to Shiatsu enhancing clinical effectiveness. The World Health Organization has documented its success in treating over forty-three conditions. Intake is free and incorporated into your first appointment. Feel free to contact us with any health related questions to see if Chinese Medicine can help.