We are starting a new school and a new way to build a love of learning. We believe in exploring past conventional thinking around education and going beyond the marginal-ism that leaves our children struggling in modern society. We deserve something better, we are making something better. We will go beyond good and explore potential as the foundation of life long learners.We work to maintain family relationships be keeping education in school to help build healthy relationships at home.NO HomeworkNO Reports to write at homeNO Tests to study for at homeNO Projects at homeAll School Assignments are done at School.Atlantis Education System is a non-profit corporation as defined in NCGS 55A-1-40(4) and shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. Atlantis Education System's purpose is to provide education and support to children 5 to 18-years-old and their families. Our programs and curricula are meant to install a love of learning in children to help them become contributing members of society and provide a continuity of support and care that maximizes their learning potential and social engagement. We accept children regardless of their background, social and cultural diversity, and beliefs to provide equal opportunity for all. We work with local business for occupational awareness of our students and provide parenting classes and support for greater societal stability starting with families. We treat our students as contributing individuals in the curriculum and seek to collaborate with all interested parties for the betterment of the community and the future. In line with our values, we work to provide internships to age appropriate students with work shadowing or volunteer opportunities to build a bridge between education and occupations as our learners grow and evolve into strong societal contributors.