uAspire is a national nonprofit whose mission is to ensure that all young people have the financial information and resources necessary to find an affordable path to – and through – a postsecondary education. Through strategic partnerships with high schools, community organizations, higher education institutions, and individual practitioners, uAspire delivers a continuum of college affordability programming spanning middle school through postsecondary completion that supports students and families where they are in the college process and helps them overcome the financial barriers to a postsecondary degree. Founded in Boston in 1985, uAspire has become a national leader in college affordability through its student advising, counselor training, and policy and systems change. We work to remove the financial barriers to higher education. We deliver direct service to thousands of students in high-need cities across the country (Massachusetts; The Bay Area, California, and New York City) and reach thousands of additional students in states throughout the country through our Training and Technical Assistance partners.