NHS Westminster shares the same boundaries with the City of Westminster, extending to Regent’s Park in the north, Queens Park in the west and Covent Garden in the east. Our southern boundary follows the north bank of the River Thames. While we serve a registered population of 241,787, over a million people work and visit Westminster each day and use some of our services. Our population is highly mobile population and is ethnically and culturally diverse with more than 120 languages spoken in the City. We are responsible for funding all of the health services across Westminster which includes 51 GP practices (105 GPs), 57 dental practices, 64 optical (eye) practices and 94 community pharmacies. We spend over £450m each year making sure people in Westminster have the best of health and the best of healthcare. Over the next five years to 2015, NHS Westminster will work with Westminster City Council, a range of healthcare providers and other local partners, including Practice Based Commissioning Clusters, to lead local healthcare improvements and transform out of hospital care through polysystems. As we increase individual choice and the quality of the health services we commission, health inequalities across the City will reduce. To realise our vision, NHS Westminster strategic goals are: • To reduce health inequalities • Adding years to life. • Building a choice of quality healthcare • Adding life to years • Promote healthy lifestyles in Westminster