Owner/Operator at #townhouseminifarm (not an official business) - Sacramento, California, United States
This project started from gardening love, had since junior high. My maternal grandmother shared gardening ideals, working 2 community gardens: Menlo Park, near a public library, & Palo Alto, near Syntex. The Syntex garden was managed by strict organic gurus, with Chadwick & Jeavons educational styles. I helped under my grandmother's lead with her "French Intensive Gardening," which is probably similar to today's Biointensive gardening style. Organic farming science seems not easy to master, from my perspective.In the past, organic meant not adding chemistry. I like that approach at my home. I use compost to amend my soil. Occasionally, I add bought soil. I am not strict. I plant non-organic seed sometimes. My time for gardening comes and goes, but the hobby remains gratifying & peaceful. It "keeps me out of trouble," & gets me outdoors. Fortunately, the small space is easier to control than larger properties. The garden produces a small supplement to bought produce. The harvest varies due efforts, energy, injuries, drought and sunlight.Sun position has a heavy influence on production. Certain times of the year, the sun is behind other structures. Improving winter production might require some (possibly fun) mirror engineering. Though winter is a good season for rest here.Property zoning and business tax ideas make turning this project into a business here appear challenging.I started posting hobby-like work into Facebook photo albums. Eventually, I posted in Facebook in the more general news-feed, using hashtags: #townhouseminifarm, #inappreciationoffood, #southforkamericanriver "Natural Tendril-cies, aka Townhouse Mini-Farm (Facebook Album #5)Best of from 2012 onwards"https://www.facebook.com/claire.warshaw/media_set?set=a.797306257018851&type=3Created in conjunction with Facebook photo album,"On the importance of Appreciation of Food (Facebook Album #9)" at: https://www.facebook.com/claire.warshaw/media_set?set=a.866770763405733&type=3