Clara Dao

Digital Marketing Specialist at Everest Development Group Inc. - Edmonton, ON, CA

Clara Dao's Contact Details
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Everest Development Group Inc.
Clara Dao's Company Details
Everest Development Group Inc. logo, Everest Development Group Inc. contact details

Everest Development Group Inc.

Edmonton, ON, CA • 100 - 249 Employees
Real Estate

Everest Development Group (EDG) is one of the most rapidly emerging, versatile and dynamic companies in Western Canada. Our Services include Land Development, Construction, Project Management, Engineering and Investment Products such as EvCorp Captial ( and Acheson Commercial Corner ( our investment portfolio consists of investments in real estate and the resource industry in the province of Alberta, Canada. Alberta is home to the world's largest proven reserve of Oilsands. The reserves are estimated to encompass the second largest oil reserves in the world approximating 220 Billion barrels of oil, second only to Saudi Arabia. There is in excess of 100 Billion dollars to be invested over the next 5 years via development of newoilsands projects, extraction and refinery construction. The thriving oil and gas sector has created substantial investment opportunitiesthroughout the province. There is an estimated 400,000 newjobs to be created in Alberta over the next decade resulting in population distribution to the province creating investment opportunities in the residential, commercial and Industrial sectors.

Land Development Construction Investment Funds Real Estate Exempt Market Investments Mortgage Investment Corporations
Details about Everest Development Group Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Clara Dao
Clara Dao currently works for Everest Development Group Inc..
Clara Dao's role at Everest Development Group Inc. is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Clara Dao's email address is *** To view Clara Dao's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Clara Dao works in the Real Estate industry.
Clara Dao's colleagues at Everest Development Group Inc. are Arief Rochelle, Randy Chan, Mukund Dhotre, Aaron Kee, Dinesh Raghu, Ruben Suris, Manish Joshi and others.
Clara Dao's phone number is 780-485-5904
See more information about Clara Dao