ET Music Therapy is based on one simple principle: Music is one of the most motivating and effective mediums for building strong connections with individuals with Autism and those with diverse needs.ET MUSIC THERAPY IS AN ESTABLISHED MUSIC THERAPY PRACTICE, SERVING THE METRO VANCOUVER AREA SINCE 1996.The dynamic musical experience provides a safe, nurturing environment in which an individual can feel secure and confident to explore. Because music has stimulating, sensory, motivational and emotive qualities, it can be used as a tool to elicit music, verbal, emotional or corporeal responses and promote interaction and engagement in an enjoyable and often effortless way. An individual will always integrate new information and skills when there is inner motivation and curiosity. Music can be the built in reward. In music therapy sessions, experiences can facilitate development in all skill domains. All activities are tailored to the client's ability level & are designed to utilize his or her personal strengths, motivations and interests.Curriculum implemented: Meet In The Music Curriculum, hosted on UnitusTI cloud platform WHAT WE OFFERIndividual & group sessionsAdapted music lessons. Facilitate workshops, presentations,Consultation & TrainingRelaxation Recordings for download WHERE WE WORKAt our music therapy studios: 2 locations (North Van & Richmond)In homeTreatment centersPublic & private schoolsGroup homes