Research Manager at VitalSines International Inc. - Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States
The VitalSines mission is to develop and engineer hardware and software health monitoring products that provide a radical new view of the human body like never seen before. We develop our products to provide consumers with the information they need to live a healthier and longer life easily and cost effectively.VitalSines first market ready product is iHeart Internal Age, a fingertip device and mobile app that determines a user's Internal Age in 30-seconds by measuring a scientifically proven heart health metric Aortic Stiffness. The stiffness of the aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body, has been proven to be a marker of heart health, cognitive decline and dementia, and risk of death from all causes. Previous to iHeart the only method to attain this information rich health parameter was via a $25,000 medical device. The iHeart device has been validated against this medical 'gold standard' and can provide the same results for less than $200. The VitalSines team is passionate about developing products that help people attain optimal health through products that educate users how their daily actions affect their internal health and lifespan.