pipe welder at People Source Placement Services - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Inception: People Source Management, was established with a focus on recruitment and human resources services. Over the years, People Source Management has evolved into an integrated human resources services company with a commitment to provide people and people-related services, and enhance net worth of the human capital of the organizations. Global presence: Foraying into the overseas market, People Source Management enjoys the patronage of clients through our offices – UAE. We work closely with our associate partners in egypt , jordan and srilanka. Looking ahead... People Source Management aims to expand its global network and invest in new people; operating systems; information technology; and quality. We currently have the following verticals in our organization name BFSI, Real estate, finance, engineering and IT. Human resource management has become an increasingly complex and challenging area today. People Source Management's firm adherence to business ethics and commitment to meet and exceed client expectations will stand us in good stead to retain the trust and goodwill of clients, shareholders, employees and customers, worldwide.With every step that takes us closer to the goal, we raise the bar higher.We believe this quest for excellence will shape People Source Management into a world-class organization that sets a global benchmark for the best HR services and HR Outsourcing solutions.