Character Counts! in Jacksonville is the organizing force behind the CC!INJAX Ethics Coalition, the Conscious! social enterprises and several experiential social outreach initiatives.We educate, celebrate and create based on the 6 Pillars of Character Counts! which were created by the Josephson Institute, the founders of Character Counts! nationally.CC! in JAX has been working to create a character based community since 1997. We work to bring Character to life in unique and innovative ways by creating experiences that engage the participants to have their voices heard. We endeavor to create a sense of accountability and empowerment for all our members. To join us for a inspiring breakfast discussion check our schedule of events: CHARACTER COUNTS! framework transcends politics, religion, and cultural differences. It isn't a curriculum, an add-on, an out-of-the-box program, or a quick-fix fad. Our flexible methodology lets you shape your character-education initiative to your needs.The CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition embraces over 900 organizations and thousands of schools. Our members include schools, districts, municipalities, human-service agencies, youth-service groups, and businesses. Together we reach more than 7 million young people every day and business leaders from around the globe!