Controls & Automation Consultants (CAC) is an engineering service provider specializing inprogramming, engineering, designing and start-ups of Automated/Industrial Control Systems.CAC's portfolio boasts a 20 year track record in supplying engineering solutions that reduceerrors, improve product quality and increase productivity and profitability.The associates at Controls & Automation Consultants are experienced engineers andtechnicians in automotive, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and food and beveragemanufacturing, as well as materials handling, waste water filtering and packaging. Our staff provides expertise in a full array of automation technologies including PLC and HMIprogramming, panel design, and systems integration. CAC also provides project managementservices for many of its' clients. Over the years, CAC has managed capital projects for manyFortune 500S.Our unique and flexible organizational structure allows our staff to reside at any location inthe world to suit your onsite needs. With a presence on both coasts and staff located around the globe, Controls & Automation Consultants has the flexibility and expertise to offercompetitive, cost effective manufacturing and production solutions to keep your organizationahead of the rest.