Clarke Dawley

territory account manager at Würth Baer Supply Company - Vernon Hills, Illinois, US

Clarke Dawley's Contact Details
(847) 913-2237
Würth Baer Supply Company
Clarke Dawley's Company Details
Würth Baer Supply Company logo, Würth Baer Supply Company contact details

Würth Baer Supply Company

Vernon Hills, Illinois, US • 201 Employees
Construction Supplies

Würth Baer Supply Company is one of the nation's leading specialty wholesale distributors to the woodworking industry, offering an extensive inventory of decorative and functional hardware and fittings, tools, shop supplies, surfacing materials, and board and panel products. Würth Baer Supply offers 20+ distribution branch locations across the Midwest and Northeast U.S., stocks over 50,000 items in our catalog, including over 19,000 hardware items, and over 30,000 surfacing items. Our sales force consists of approximately 100+ Sales Representatives who serve over 25,000 customers including residential and commercial cabinetmakers, countertop and closet fabricators, kitchen and bath stores, and furniture manufacturers. As a member of the Würth Group of Germany, the world's largest fastener distributor with over 400 companies in 85 countries, Würth Baer Supply attained a greater brand recognition.

Details about Würth Baer Supply Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Clarke Dawley
Clarke Dawley currently works for Würth Baer Supply Company.
Clarke Dawley's role at Würth Baer Supply Company is territory account manager.
Clarke Dawley's email address is *** To view Clarke Dawley's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Clarke Dawley works in the Construction Supplies industry.
Clarke Dawley's colleagues at Würth Baer Supply Company are Jason Woodward, Michael Ramp, James Vargo, Kiel Allen, Steve Navarro, Mike Naismith, John Lavigne and others.
Clarke Dawley's phone number is (847) 913-2237
See more information about Clarke Dawley