In Luxembourg, a legal framework to monitor the health and wellbeing of employees at the workplace was adopted as recently as 1994. The ASTF was accordingly set up on 1 December 1994. Far from confining itself to the legal framework, over the years the ASTF has developed a wide range of services for businesses in order to help them to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees.The statutory obligations which the employer must observe and which are defined in the Law of 17 June 1994 on Occupational Health and Safety include medical examinations upon recruitment, medical examinations when work is resumed after an extended illness, an ergonomic study of workplaces, the listing of workplaces involving risks and the organisation of first aid. The ASTF also provides a wide range of further services which are at your disposal and designed to achieve the same aim in a broader perspective. We also assure the follow up of health issues related to work such as burn out, invalidity, moral harassement and post-traumatic syndrom.Eyesight tests are stipulated in the law for employees working on computer screens. We work together with an optician who comes to your company to provide eye tests.We also provide the ASTF Prevention service ; this arranges health checkups and and health coachings.The ASTF Prevention team is also responsible for organising other activities designed to promote health and wellbeing at the workplace, such as conferences, health days, prevention of the cardiovascular risk in companies. If you are especially interested in any particular subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.