Claudia Gooijer

Coordinator at Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek - De Bilt, Utrecht, Netherlands

Claudia Gooijer's Colleagues at Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek
Claudia Gooijer's Contact Details
1 ArenA Boulevard,Amsterdam,Noord-Holland,1101 AX,Netherlands
Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek
Claudia Gooijer's Company Details
Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek logo, Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek contact details

Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek

De Bilt, Utrecht, Netherlands • 1 Employees
Alternative Medicine

Wij organiseren opleidingen, nascholingen en lezingen voor medische professionals zoals artsen, dierenartsen, (dier)fysiotherapeuten, paramedici en therapeuten, zowel humaan als veterinair. Onze opleidingen zijn nascholingen ter aanvulling, verdieping en verbreding van uw medische achtergrond. De systemische, holistische visie loopt als een rode draad door onze opleidingen heen. Verbinding, interactie en een persoonlijke benadering staan hierin centraal. Vanuit ons streven de geneeskunde te innoveren en patiënten effectievere zorg op maat te bieden wij onze kennis en ervaring aan in de vorm van opleidingen.Ons aanbod bestaat uit basis en vervolg opleidingen, zoals de IVAS approved veterinaire acupunctuur-opleiding, IVAS Hybrid Veterinaire Chinese kruiden opleiding ism Natuurapotheek, nascholing op gebied van manuele therapieën, neuraaltherapie, homeopathie, fytotherapie, I Tjing, Chi Kung, non-invasieve naaldtechnieken, Lecher-antenne, & Connectie-sensor.We offer courses, postgraduate educations and lectures to medical professionals, such as physicians, veterinarians, (animal) physiotherapists, paramedics and therapists, both human as veterinarian. With our courses we hope to provide completion, deepening and expansion to the western regular medical knowledge. Our course offerings covers both basic as postgraduate courses, such as the IVAS approved veterinary acupuncture course, IVAS Hybrid veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine, manual therapies, neural therapy, homeopathy, phytotherapy, non-invasive needling techniques, I Tjing, Chi Kung, Lecher-antenna & Connection-Sensor. The systems-based holistic vision runs as a common thread trough our courses. In this we put connection, interaction and a personal approach central. From our commitment to innovate Healthcare and to offer patients more effectively tailore-made care we share our knowledge and experience in the form of courses. Our mission is:"Improving personal health by sharing knowledge and experience in systems medicine"

Details about Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek
Frequently Asked Questions about Claudia Gooijer
Claudia Gooijer currently works for Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek.
Claudia Gooijer's role at Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek is Coordinator.
Claudia Gooijer's email address is *** To view Claudia Gooijer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Claudia Gooijer works in the Alternative Medicine industry.
Claudia Gooijer's colleagues at Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek are and others.
Claudia Gooijer's phone number is
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