Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod

Commericial Lines Underwriter at Vintage Underwriters - Houston, TX, US

Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's Contact Details
Vintage Underwriters
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's Company Details
Vintage Underwriters logo, Vintage Underwriters contact details

Vintage Underwriters

Houston, TX, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Vintage Underwriters is an independently, family-owned and operated, Managing General Agent and Surplus Lines Agent, in the state of Texas since 1980. We represent and brokerage through some of the world's leading insurance companies, and focus on the placement of Excess and Surplus Lines Accounts, as well as Admitted Accounts. Our success lies in our personnel, the agents for which we serve, and our philosophy: To be dedicated to maintaining experienced insurance professionals, underwriting for strong stable markets and providing excellent service to retail agents. Founded in 1980, our company provides retail agents with a variety of highly rated insurance products. We hold many in-house binding authorities with numerous top-rated carriers and brokerage contracts for middle market and hard to place accounts. Associations: IIAH - Independent Insurance Agents of Houston  NAPSLO - National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices  TSLA - Texas Surplus Lines Association  AAMGA - American Association of Managing General Agents

Placement of Excess Accounts Placement and Managing Surplus Line Accounts Placement of Admitted Accounts Managing General Agents Insurance Insurance Agents Brokers and Service
Details about Vintage Underwriters
Frequently Asked Questions about Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod currently works for Vintage Underwriters.
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's role at Vintage Underwriters is Commericial Lines Underwriter.
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's email address is *** To view Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod works in the Insurance industry.
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's colleagues at Vintage Underwriters are Tiffany Stirling-Frank, Theresa Bosley, Becky Edmondson, Julia Thompson, Lisa James, Jennifer Brown, Kashfia Basher and others.
Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod's phone number is 713-773-6400
See more information about Claudia Ruiz-Sherrod