BarkerBille is the result of the merger of the former Barker Jørgensens Maskinfabrik A/S (Barker Fans A/S), B. Bille A/S and Moldow's fan department. Barker and Bille were merged as of January 1 2016, and Moldow's fan department joined them in October 2016. BarkerBille designs and manufactures fans and silencers for industrial applications and has done so for more than 50 years now. To ensure high quality fans at competitive prices, the fans are manufactured based on a new, state-of-the-art 3D technology. BarkerBille is registered in both Denmark and China. In Denmark under the name BarkerBille A/S, and in China under BarkerBille Fans Manufacturing (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. and BarkerBille Fans Trading (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.