At its heart, Panda Guides is dedicated to helping travelers and expats maximize their experience in China. Whether you're a tourist looking to scratch the surface of 5,000 years of history, a businessperson working in a Fortune 500 company under the bright lights of a booming metropolis, or a diligent English teacher exploring the world one classroom at a time, our mission is to provide trustful and reliable information to make your stay in the Middle Kingdom as smooth and as fun as possible.At the moment, we have four travel guidebooks and four corresponding maps: China, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as The English Teacher's Guide to China. These informative and easy-to-use guides and full-color maps will lead you on a journey through the best of what this fascinating country has to offer. Whether you're looking to stay on or stray away from the beaten path, we have options for you. Furthermore, our books give discounts at selected Panda Partner businesses throughout the country; something no other guidebook can offer.Besides our books, our company offers various scheduled activities in China (such as writing seminars and pub crawls), updates on the country's hottest venues, and special events constantly running throughout the year. We also offer a free help hotline for any foreigner - traveler or expat - in the Middle Kingdom.If all this wasn't enough, we've also created the Panda Ambassadors Program. With this one of a kind program, Panda Guides offer an all-expenses-paid trip through China to 20 lucky winners per year. To sign up, just purchase one of our books and enter the code found inside the front cover on our website, or look out for one of our writing contests on our website and our Facebook page (