Established in France 20 years ago, Clement Design is consid- ered as the "Couturier of Top Chefs" thanks to its unique style and innovative approach to fabric and patterns. Highly creative – with patented innovations like I-Belt, Dry-Up fabric or Hybrid patterns - Clement Design aims at dressing Chefs with comfort- able, stylish and durable kitchen wears. Clement Design is proudly supplying the most prestigious establishments all over the world, from star-Michelin restaurants, high-end hotels, resorts to bakeries chains, catering companies and even self-made cooks for home use.20年前成立于法国的客来盟以独特的风格和对于面料以及 花型的创新尝试,被誉为"专业厨师的制衣师"。客来盟 在追求风尚的同时,也致力于提升服饰的科技感,并为厨 师在工作时带来舒适度。 作为品质、舒适、优雅的厨师服代表,自问世以来,客来 盟厨师服一直被众多米其林餐厅、五星级酒店以及高端餐 厅集团所选用。