Clician Oliveira

TECNOLOGISTA at IBGE - Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, BR

Clician Oliveira's Colleagues at IBGE
Mateus Meaurio

Analista Socioeconômico

Contact Mateus Meaurio

Atos Brito

Agente de Pesquisas e Mapeamento

Contact Atos Brito

Elizaldo Quixaba

Técnico em Informações Geográficas e Estatística

Contact Elizaldo Quixaba

Lucas Ruschel

Coordenador Censitário de subárea

Contact Lucas Ruschel

Ana Caleia

Coordenadora Censitária de Subárea

Contact Ana Caleia

Victor Andretta

Agente de Pesquisas e Mapeamento

Contact Victor Andretta

View All Clician Oliveira's Colleagues
Clician Oliveira's Contact Details
+55 21 2142-4502
Niterói,State of Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
Clician Oliveira's Company Details


Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, BR • 12680 Employees

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics or IBGE (Portuguese: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), is the agency responsible for statistical, geographic, cartographic, geodetic and environmental information in Brazil. The IBGE performs a national census every ten years, and the questionnaires account for information such as age, household income, literacy, education, occupation and hygiene levels. IBGE is an institution of the Federal Government, constituted a public foundation by Decree Law No. 161 of February 13, 1967, and is bound to the Brazilian Department of Planning, Budget and Management. It has four directors and two other central organs. IBGE has a network of national research and dissemination components, comprising: 27 state units (26 in state capitals and one in the Federal District); 27 centres for documentation and dissemination of information (26 in the capital and one in the Federal District); 581 data collection agencies in major cities. The IBGE also maintains the Roncador Ecological Reserve, situated 35 km south of Brasília.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Clician Oliveira
Clician Oliveira currently works for IBGE.
Clician Oliveira's role at IBGE is TECNOLOGISTA.
Clician Oliveira's email address is *** To view Clician Oliveira's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Clician Oliveira works in the Government industry.
Clician Oliveira's colleagues at IBGE are Sonia Zanotto, Mateus Meaurio, Atos Brito, Elizaldo Quixaba, Lucas Ruschel, Ana Caleia, Victor Andretta and others.
Clician Oliveira's phone number is +55 21 2142-4502
See more information about Clician Oliveira