Cliff Risner

Deputy Sheriff at County of Jackson, MI - Jackson, Mississippi, United States

Cliff Risner's Contact Details
County of Jackson, MI
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County of Jackson, MI logo, County of Jackson, MI contact details

County of Jackson, MI

Jackson, Mississippi, United States • 501 - 1000 Employees
Government Administration

The 2010 Census counted 160,248 residents in Jackson County spread over more than 700 square miles. The people of Jackson County enjoy the association of a small town, but the amenities of a place much larger than it feels. Jackson County is located at the cross roads of State Highway 127 and Interstate 94 only half an hour from Lansing, Ann Arbor, and Battle Creek and just over an hour from Detroit. Residents and visitors enjoy thousands of acres of open space, 188 lakes, over 500 holes of golf, a county airport, and many other amenities. The county hosts many special events including the Rose Festival, Hot Air Jubilee, Race Week, Shakespeare Festival, Civil War Muster, and the NASCAR and Nextel Cup Series. Within the county are 19 townships, 7 villages, and the City of Jackson. The County is home to Spring Arbor University, Jackson Community College, and a branch of Baker College. The Jackson County Government provides a wide range of services, which includes law enforcement, a court system, health department, services for the aging, veteran's services, and much more. The County is governed by a board of twelve county commissioners. Six other elected officials preside over specific services including the Sheriff, Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Drain Commissioner, and County Treasurer. Five judges are elected in the Circuit Court and four are elected in the District Court.

Details about County of Jackson, MI
Frequently Asked Questions about Cliff Risner
Cliff Risner currently works for County of Jackson, MI.
Cliff Risner's role at County of Jackson, MI is Deputy Sheriff.
Cliff Risner's email address is *** To view Cliff Risner's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Cliff Risner works in the Government Administration industry.
Cliff Risner's colleagues at County of Jackson, MI are Jennifer McCann, Tracy Payne, Caitlynne Scott, LaNeice Moss, Jacqueline Morris, Kathy Dee, Eileen Fox and others.
Cliff Risner's phone number is ["+15174148181"]
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