Our MissionCreating opportunities and support for people with learning disabilities to live the life they choose. Our Vision•To continue to be the organisation of choice for our members and always be led and supported by a team that passionately believes in them.•To support members in having every opportunity to develop all skills and confidence possible so they can live the life of choice.•To fully involve our membership every step of the way and to stay flexible and responsive to members needs and wishes – so that we remain truly member led.•To have informed Trustees making informed decisions. A skilled and enthusiastic team all singing (or at least warbling) from the same hymn sheet.•To ensure the right training for all members, staff and volunteers.•To work to ensure financial sustainability throughout all service and continue planned sharing of resources for best value.•Good financial planning for the future.•To meet all areas of Charity Governance, Health and Safety and to remain aware of Government policy and priorities.•Steady growth of well-trained enthusiastic volunteers, supported by Volunteer Coordinators.•To continually listen, adapt and develop to provide supported living accommodation, community outreach and bespoke services that fit our member's needs.•Work as advocates for our members as needed and teach self-advocacy skills.Our Aims•Support members in making real friendships.•Provide real work opportunities for our members.•Provide members with real choice to the skills they develop.•Support people to live independently in their own homes.•Provide a range of fun planned activities which allow families/carers respite.•Listen to feedback from members and families and respond.•Integrate individuals with complex needs into the About with Friends family.•Value our staff, Trustees and volunteers.