Infinite Impact Ltd has in the last five years functioned as an ideas portfolio management firm at the forefront of all-round idea development incubating over 100 small businesses and raising over $USD1 million in funding for these businesses through third party sources with a belief that everyone with an idea is looking for something. Infinite Impact Ltd has transitioned into a venture capital firm, with a goal to serve as a support system to centered MSMSE growth by providing integrative funding and business capital such as investment, grants, loans, and equity and growth enhancement networks. The goal of the Coded Investors is to enable businesses grow and to help investors (everyday individuals in the workforce, business men and women with cash for investments and institutional partners) make money on a daily basis. Through the Coded Investors platform, investments deliver high rate of return to investors, ensured through capital fusion tailored to specific growth aspects of capital sourcing businesses with a monitored daily management collection approach.