At OCEP, we work directly with Midwest farmers to give them a long-term revenue stream. With the recent changes in the value of renewable natural gas (RNG), a resurgence of farms are seriously evaluating the use of biogas for RNG production. The Federal Renewable Fuel Standard for transportation fuels also has provisions for dairy derived RNG. These changes have led to manure becoming a profitable income stream for farms. Dairy derived RNG has a methane content of 98%+ and RNG is identical to fossil natural gas. The result is that just like CNG, RNG, when used in transportation, is cleaner burning than diesel. Several state and federal programs exist to incentivize cleaner transportation fuels. The RNG, when used as a transportation fuel, is eligible to receive credits from these programs, giving the farm this long-term revenue stream. This is where OCEP comes in, with our extensive knowledge in the industry. We also bring capital, engineering and operations expertise and extensive gas marketing experience to the farms along with 100% financing options. With our turn-key approach, from permitting to trucking and attaching to the pipeline, OCEP has you covered.