Our goal is to give you the Knowledge and Application that empowers you to coach anyone as an N of 1. The integrity of not just the science, but the delivery of scientific and evidence based knowledge in a way that students and coaches can easily learn and apply. Where most systems and educators will leave gaps and confusion, we provide clarity and confidence.We believe everyone deserves a high level education, not just the people willing to spend countless time and money sifting through complicated information that is 90% incorrect anyway. In order to make the world a better place, you have to start by making educators better. We want every one of our trainers and coaches to not just be a teacher to their clients, but to an example of how the fitness industry should and can be.No one is truly average, and neither should their training and nutrition be. The key to always making progress is to make sure you are doing the right things at the right time for the individual. There is a best training program, nutrition strategy, and supplement protocol. However what that is, is unique to each individual, and will change for them over time. We are often fooled into believing that there is a superior way or training, dieting, or supplement protocol that applies to everyone all the time. When you understand the science of assessing trainability and programing for an individual, it takes the guesswork out of what is the best program. That's why even our new students out coach most "experts" in the industry.