Every 3 minutes someone loses their life to traumatic injuries in the United States. Thousands of these deaths occur in the workplace. While modern healthcare has made significant strides in its ability to treat traumatic injuries, a significant gap still exists in the time from the point of injury to a victim reaching life saving care. Our Point Of Wounding Trauma Indicator or POWTI (pronounced pow-tee) device is the world's first fully automated, standalone traumatic injury detection device designed to protect those who risk their live every day. Our device detects when you have been traumatically injured and instantly sends your location to rescue personnel. At POWTI Innovations we are dedicated to saving lives with innovative technology. With decades of healthcare and product development experience, our award winning team is revolutionizing the personal protective equipment industry and emergency medical response industry. Join POWTI Innovations in our quest to cut emergency response times to traumatic injuries and save lives.