Chief Operating Officer at Ash Business Advisory - Norfolk, Virginia, United States
Utilizing the team's broad experience as founders, entrepreneurs, and corporate and military leaders, Ash Business Advisory (ABA) provides comprehensive growth and performance solutions for America's small and mid-sized companies. ABA's credentialed teammates have served as Chairman, CEO, CFO, COO, Branch & Division Manager, and Founder in a broad array of organizations, and this experience helps our current clients implement proven systems and strategies - no need to reinvent the wheel. ABA's Advisor success speaks for itself but, many times even more impactful, their experience with crisis management, failure, and wildly successful comebacks provide clients with a virtual library of company protection strategies and the ability to see around corners. Finally, at the end of the day everyone wants to work with people they enjoy. ABA Team's engaging personalities and humble servant-leadership styles foster teamwork and an enjoyable environment to promote outsized results and success for our partner clients.E-Learning Site: