WineRX is the maker of Drop It. Drop It is a sulfite and tannin reducer that can be added by the drop to either a glass or a bottle of wine. This is to reduce the adverse events like headaches that some experience even with wine in moderation. Drop It urges all to consume wine in moderation. It is not intended for a hangover from over consumption. Drop It can be used in white, red or sparkling wines. It will not change the flavor of wine. It may make an astringent red a little more subtle to the palette. Each bottle of Drop It will treat up to 55 glasses of wine by adding 1-2 drops to a five ounce glass. To treat an entire bottle 6-8 drops are needed. WineRX has also just launched Drop It for Wine Tastings. Drop It for Wine Tastings is for the smaller 1-2 oz pours at Wine Shops, Vineyards and Wine FestivalsDrop It Is all natural, non GMO, gluten free, non dairy and no artificial colors or sweeteners. Drop It is Trademarked, Patent Pending and award winning. It has been laboratory tested for effectiveness. Drop It is available on line at