Vice-Chair: Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights (CCLHR) Law Section
The Ontario Bar Association is a branch of the Canadian Bar Association, an organization of lawyers formed to provide support by the profession to the profession so that it may render better service to its members and the public. This is accomplished by both education and representation to government on topics of current concern.The Ontario Bar Association provides lawyers with opportunities to become more efficient and effective, to further their professional education and to keep abreast of current developments within the profession, nationally and provincially. Membership in the Canadian Bar Association entitles lawyers to participate in these educational programs at a lower cost than non-members. In addition, members can take an active role in law reform and law amendment, both provincially and federally.Meetings of the national organization, the provincial organization and the individual Sections offer the opportunity to meet other members of the profession from all parts of the country with like interests on a basis afforded in no other manner.The Canadian Bar Association has been in existence since 1896 and was incorporated April 15, 1921 while the Ontario Branch has been in existence since 1907 and was incorporated on April 22, 1985.Ontario Bar Association20 Toronto Street, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2B8Telephone: (416) 869-1047Fax: (416) 869-1390Toll-free in Ontario 1-800-668-8900