Who Are We?We believe in people and investing in their ideas. Emancipating, educating and empowering the youth is what we are all about. The future is what we make it and everyone has to do their part.我们是谁?我们坚信每个人都是独立有价值的个体并且值得被投资。我们的工作在于释放思想活力,解锁教育障碍,解放自主权利。我们坚信未来在我们手中,且每个人都要努力为之奋斗。We are:We are passionate about what we do and actively work with people and organizations who have ambitious missions - whether they are in the commercial, social or government sectors. We set up smart teams who love challenges and think disruptively to help contribute positively to the society.关于我们:我们充满激情与活力,愿意与有野心、充满使命感的组织和个人进行合作,不论是商界达人、社会团体还是政府部门,我们都将竭诚竭力开展各种活动。我们的团队热爱挑战、思维活跃,致力于贡献一切积极力量来改变社会。APARTMENTSWe have been helping out expats find comfortable and well priced apartments in Nanjing for over a year now. It has been massively successful and we'd like to thank all of you for all the support so far. 关于租房一年多来,我们一直帮助在南京生活学习的外国小伙伴寻找超高性价比的好住处,也得到了大家的认可,当然,这项业务的巨大成功要感谢每一个努力帮助过我们的人。点击此处查询SCHOLARSHIPSWe've also ventured to open up scholarships to more foreign students both in china and abroad and have successfully helped almost 120 students in the past 7 months secure proper scholarships to further their education. 关于奖学金我们还额外开设奖学金申请业务,可以为已经在华和即将来华的留学生提供服务。在过去的7个月时间里,我们已经成功帮助近120名留学生申到了优质奖学金,为他们争取到了更好的学习生活条件。JOBSWe believe strongly in empowering people and investing in their abilities. We do our best to help expats both in china and abroad find decent jobs in China and advance themselves in life. We are also creating a professional mentioning platform to help the youth know how to get into the job industry after school or even while still in school. We believe strongly in empowering people and investing in their abilities.关于工作我们坚信每个人都是独立有价值的个体并且值得被投资。我们全力帮助国内外的外国人在中国找到合适的工作并提升自己。同时,我们正在打造一个专业的培训平台,指导毕业生和在校生如何顺利进入职场。我们坚信每个人都是独立有价值的个体并且值得被投资。