John Wenman Ecological Consultancy is an independent company with a history of offering expert ecological advice to clients in the public and private sectors. We can assist with a wide range of ecological surveys and assessments, habitat management, and the development of mitigation and compensation schemes for protected species. All of our work is carried out by experienced and qualified ecologists, complies with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management's (CIEEM) code of conduct and follows recognised best practice guidance.We specialise in bat-related work and carry out bat surveys of domestic properties, commercial and industrial buildings, churches, bridges and trees. Where bats are present and impacts cannot be avoided, we can advise on suitable mitigation and compensation, and can guide you through the process of applying for and obtaining European Protected Species licences issued by Natural England and implementing work on site as required by the licence. We can assist with projects affecting small numbers of commonly occurring bats under Natural England's Low Impact Class Licence introduced in 2015. We offer our clients expert ecological advice and professional surveys for a range of other protected species including reptiles, amphibians (including the great crested newt), barn owls, badgers, breeding birds, otters and water voles, and can carry out Phase 1 preliminary site surveys and assessments for BREEAM.