inAtlas is a BigData and Location Analytics company that offers oline business solutions. inAtlas owns and commercialized "Geomarketing inAtlas INFORMA" Solution for the private sectors and "GeoPublic" for Public Governments, in Spain and Portugal, scalable to the rest of more than 200 countries covered by the Duns&Bradstreet international network. inAtlas solutions allow users to access, filter and visualized on maps data of B2B and B2C markets, continuously updated oriented on optimizing business decision making based on data location of clients, competitors and suppliers.Since 2012 inAtlas offers Plug&Play solutions, at very accesible prices for micro SMEs and start ups, as weel as customized solutions for SMEs, Big Companies and Governments, that help executives and managers to make faster and better business decisions, increasing revenues and optimizing ROI.Since December 2021 inAtlas is part of INFORMA D&B Group, leader in commercial and finance information in Spain and Portugal, as part of Duns&Bradstreet network that covers more than 200 countries with economic data.