Cora Doyle of Doyle Health & Safety is an Occupational Health & Safety Provider who has extensive knowledge and experience gained from over 18 years service in the Medical, Electronics, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries as well as general Business Office environment. Doyle Health & Safety works with a number of corporate clients in Ireland and so has an extensive knowledge and understanding of clients' occupational health & safety needs and requirements. Doyle Health & Safety has a proven track record of customised service delivery to our client base and this is reflected in the testimonials received to date. In addition, Doyle Health & Safety has a strong commitment to quality, service excellence and ongoing process improvement. Doyle Health & Safety recognise that employee health, well-being and safety are an integral component for a successful business and therefore, have a number of services to assist you in proactively managing your health and safety needs. Doyle health & Safety provide an integrated and comprehensive service which is tailored to meet each client's needs and requirements thus ensuring quality of service provision.