CARE - Multicultural Healing is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide holistic, affordable, multiculturally competent mental health education, training, and services. CARE strives to implement a counseling perspective with a foundation in basic counseling skills and a focus on social justice, multiculturalism, international awareness, advocacy and leadership. At the heart of multiculturalism is the understanding that we are all multilayered. It is our belief that a global perspective on development across the life span, and an understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, diversity, and social justice are integral to the preparation of professional counselors -- requiring that professional counselors are prepared to assume leadership roles, be proactive change agents and become advocates for social, economic and political justice. CARE is committed to accomplishing this mission through the interconnectedness of teaching, research, service and professional practice. Co-founded by three clinical psychologists licensed by the state of California, the organization has four divisions represented by the acronym CARE: [C]ounseling, [A]ssessment services, [R]esearch, and [E]ducation. We work with other non-profit organizations to offer a truly diverse experience for clients of CARE. Through current education and advocacy work, CARE continues to build toward its ultimate goal of opening the doors to a donation-based long-term counseling center for Los Angeles youth.