A Second Chance Credit Solutions is a company geared toward helping other companies that are credit driven such as, but not limited to car dealerships, car sales representatives and lenders in a manor that is totally and completely legal per the US government. We also help consumers one on one that are in full bankruptcy status, poor renter history, high debt to income ratio, and even those that have the income, but simply has a subpar credit profile, WE CAN HELP! Lets us help grow your credit driven business by helping those in need of a credit SOLUTION. We are not a credit repair company! We are here to provide help where it is needed due to your credit needs. We provide 700+ credit score in 60 to 90 days.For those of you that are sales representatives or bankruptcy attorneys etc, we provide a referral incentive programs that will surely interest you and keep you motivated! Give us a try! You won't be disappointed!