Qwerkz is the first company of it's kind that leverages technology to help mid to large sized companies hire former athletes. They measure things like grit, determination and grind. But they also measure real world soft skills such as communication, persuasiveness, leadership, decision making and motivation. Companies like hiring athletes because many of them possess things that money can't buy. Things like drive, determination, mental toughness, competitive nature and focus. Their ability to connect the perfect company with the perfect athlete sets Qwerkz apart from others in their industry. They do a deep discovery on each athlete and look at everything from the athlete's mentality, interests, skill set, professional experiences and much more. It's this process that creates a win-win-win situation with the athletes, companies and Qwerkz. The Qwerkz motto is, "There's More". This phrase represents, what's next and why you should always be getting better.