Biomechanics provides physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, dietitians, and social workers to patients in their own home. Biomechanics provides a therapists nurtured, patient centered and client focused mobile therapy think tank. Where every patient walks, every therapist is fulfilled, and every client grows. We embody our core values with every aspect of our work: Honesty and Integrity: We always do the right thing. Friendly and Helpful: Therapists, Coworkers, Patients, and Clients Love Us. Dedicated and Proactive: We actively search for and do whatever it takes. Reliable and Consistent: We follow up every time. Challenge Status Quo: We question and suggest change to improve. We know that ever problem is merely an opportunity to build lasting relationships with permanent solutions. Come join us as we get back to life with BIoMechanics.